Saturday, January 19, 2008

Still Here

Just to let you know I'm still out here, just fighting with At&t/Bellsouth to get my DSL working. I won't bore you with the details just yet but it's not been fun. ARGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!


Betsy said...

Looking forward to you getting it all sorted out...I've missed you sistah!

Michelle Pearson said...

Tell 'em to hurry up! You've got 29 sisters waitin' on ya!! ;)
Good luck...I hate dealing with all that *stuff*

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Technology . . . it's a gift and a curse!! Just kidding! I hope you get it all worked out soon! In the meantime, take the time off to craft!

Flabbernoogles said...

No fun! Hope it gets worked out soon!

Crystal Ware said...

Hope you get it all worked out! Good luck with everything. Tell them they need to hurry :D

Catherine said...

Do I need to come beat them up? LOL!
Seriously, I miss you!!! Tell them to get a move on!

Catherine said...

Hey Sara,
When you have time and are back up and running, I've tagged you for a new game. Visit my page for the deets!